Day 2: Driving In New Zealand Is Easy

I'm not quite sure what people have to complain about. Driving on the left has been surprisingly easy. I've just been telling myself to do the opposite of everything, and so far that's worked. I am still stopping at red lights however.

They have, in my mind, one major difference in road rules here from what us Canucks do. On a red light, there are NO turns. For us, if the coast is clear and we have come to a complete stop, we are allowed to turn right on a red light. Here, even if the coast is clear, you cannot turn left on a red light (remember, opposite side of the road). To be honest, this makes the driving experience simpler. Stop means stop. There's less to pay attention to, less to worry about. So far, I'm liking it.

The camper is about the length of a Chevy Silverado, and just slightly less maneuverable. I think the rest of this trip is going to be just fine. Once we have breakfast and square away the bed, we're off to Oamara to see some penguins. I took a look at the NZ book from lonely planet and there's a bit more to Oamaru than meets the eye. Apparently you can find the best tasting cheese factory and one of New Zealand's whisky distillers down there. Jenny had also done her bit of research on the area, and kept from me the fact that they've got a three story car museum there, with race cars from the 30's through to the 80's! I wore her down and she agreed to spend an hour there. A lot of cars can be drooled over in that time.

Comments (2) -

  • Sounds like everything is going great so far! I can't wait to see some pictures!
    I agree with driving on the left being so easy! And, if the rules are anything like the UK, they are so much simpler than here!
  • Of course it's easy for you!  You're used to driving on the wrong side of the road!

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