Photos!!! 10 March 2013 Jenny I think it's safe to say that the chances of us ever getting photos mixed in with all the posts is pretty much nil at this point. I have, however, made ALL our photos (not just the best and relevant ones) available on our new photo site. Check them out here!
Departures 28 January 2010 Jenny If anyone is interested in seeing a TV program about touring New Zealand, an episode of Ryan's and my favourite travel program, Departures, visiting New Zealand is available on Click on Departures and pick the New Zealand episode. I'm not kidding when I say that the scenery is 100... [More]
Day 10: Blenheim 02 November 2009 Jenny Wine Tour By Bike today. I think that is enough said. I'm feeling it in my head and my legs (oh, am I feeling it in my legs... and my butt... and... well, you get the picture - I'm sore! tomorrow is going to be painful). Will post photos and more details soon. Mike D., we have a bottle to share, so ... [More]
Day 7 They say it's about 5 hours... 31 October 2009 Jenny Supposedly, the drive from Queenstown to Christchurch is about 5 hours. Bull. We left Queenstown about an hour before sunset and drove until I was starting to put nailprints in Ryan's leg (I don't like driving in the dark at the best of times; now we are in a foreign country with livestock roaming a... [More]
Day 6 Oh. My. God. 30 October 2009 Jenny There truly are no words to what I did today. Just watch the video: Parasailing
Day 5 Beautiful. Just Beautiful. 29 October 2009 Jenny We had an early start (and a non-working alarm clock again -- I think the phone is fired). A quick stop in town to pick up breakfast (those pies Ryan was eyeing yesterday -- they are open from 7am to 3pm, so he missed out last night) and chains and we were hitting the road.The first bit didn't seem ... [More]
Day 4 A new take on the night sky 28 October 2009 Jenny Of course, we both slept through the alarm this morning. We set it and double checked that it was set... but we forgot to look at the volume on it. Thankfully, Ryan has a tendancy to wake up early, and we only overslept by 40 minutes or so. A quick shower and breakfast later, we were on the road. Sa... [More]
Day 3: And the drinking has begun 27 October 2009 Jenny We arrived in Dunedin around 11 and got squared away (and posted yesterday's entry) before walking into town. Our campsite was just a 25 minute walk to the centre of town. For lunch, we ventured into a little Japanese place and had some very fresh sushi and found a new sake brand (Ozaki) that was re... [More]
Day 2: Everybody's closed on a holiday... except the penguins 26 October 2009 Jenny It was a late night last night. We drove from Christchurch to Oamaru in the morning, arriving around 2, stopping for lunch along the way. We wanted to go for fish and chips, but, as Monday was a holiday, everywhere but McDonalds and KFC were closed. Ryan actually talked me into going to KFC. It wasn... [More]
Day 1: Settled in 25 October 2009 Jenny Sorry for the delay in this post... we were a little tired last night! It's around 8am here on Monday morning now. Yes, I am up at 8am. One of the neighbors closed their sliding door and woke me up. And we went to bed pretty early yesterday, so I'm well rested! And excited to get on with our day!We ... [More]