Day 3: Dunedin 27 October 2009 Ryan The other two beers which Jenny had left out were the Speight's Porter (this was the one that tasted like a Rickard's White), and the Old Dark. One interesting fact about the Speight's Brewery is that it has its own fresh water spring in its basement, providing them with all the water they need to ... [More]
Day 3: And the drinking has begun 27 October 2009 Jenny We arrived in Dunedin around 11 and got squared away (and posted yesterday's entry) before walking into town. Our campsite was just a 25 minute walk to the centre of town. For lunch, we ventured into a little Japanese place and had some very fresh sushi and found a new sake brand (Ozaki) that was re... [More]
Day 2: Everybody's closed on a holiday... except the penguins 26 October 2009 Jenny It was a late night last night. We drove from Christchurch to Oamaru in the morning, arriving around 2, stopping for lunch along the way. We wanted to go for fish and chips, but, as Monday was a holiday, everywhere but McDonalds and KFC were closed. Ryan actually talked me into going to KFC. It wasn... [More]
Day 2: Driving In New Zealand Is Easy 25 October 2009 Ryan I'm not quite sure what people have to complain about. Driving on the left has been surprisingly easy. I've just been telling myself to do the opposite of everything, and so far that's worked. I am still stopping at red lights however. They have, in my mind, one major difference in road rules here ... [More]
Day 1: Settled in 25 October 2009 Jenny Sorry for the delay in this post... we were a little tired last night! It's around 8am here on Monday morning now. Yes, I am up at 8am. One of the neighbors closed their sliding door and woke me up. And we went to bed pretty early yesterday, so I'm well rested! And excited to get on with our day!We ... [More]
Day 1: We made it! 24 October 2009 Ryan It's quarter to 11AM on October 25th, and Jenny and I have safely made it to Auckland! On the flight from Calgary to Los Angeles, we ended up eating on the plane. Surprisingly, it wasn't a rip off! I got a Quizno's sub, chips, a pop, and a mini-bar bottle of J&B scotch for just $11.70. Air Canad... [More]
Made it to Calgary 23 October 2009 Jenny We made it to Calgary with everything in tack... at least until we went through the security counter. Who knew two decks of cards together at the bottom of your bag looks like a juice box? This was only found AFTER the security guy had gone through the other two pockets of my backpack, shifting arou... [More]
On our way 23 October 2009 Jenny We're currently hanging out at Edmonton International waiting for plane 1 of 4. This is going to be a long night, and when it's over, it will be 3 in the afternoon on Sunday. I'm still getting used to this date line crossing thing. See you all in a few weeks!
Less than a week! 18 October 2009 Jenny We're less than a week out from our departure, and I get to make the first post on here! We've been busy getting things squared away at home and at work, and getting everything ready to pack for our trip. The to-do list really does seem never ending! For those interested, here' a rough idea of what ... [More]
NaNoWriMo 18 October 2009 Jenny I am a little nuts, I'll admit it. While we're in New Zealand, the month of November begins. Several years ago, a fellow crazy person, Chris Batty, decided November should the the National Novel Writing Month (aka NaNoWriMo or NaNo for the really lazy). I've been participating for a couple years (th... [More]